Cesam2k20 Workshop

As part of the preparation for ESA's PLATO mission, the Cesam2k20 internal structure and stellar evolution code has been selected to calculate the grid of the 1st generation of stellar models.

The first public version of the code is available in the "Download" section on our website: https://www.ias.u-psud.fr/cesam2k20/. In order to build a community of users, we are organising a workshop on 7-8 December 2023 at Meudon Observatory in the Jules Janssen Conference Centre for 30 people.

This workshop will teach you how to:

  • Install the Cesam2k20 code;
  • Calculate a standard solar model;
  • Calculate non-standard models, for example by including the effects of rotation or atomic diffusion with radiative accelerations;
  • Calculate grids of stellar models or learn how to use the AIMS or SPInS optimisation codes with grids of models that have already been calculated.




Cesam2k20 is the most recent version of the CESAM stellar evolution code.

The CESAM stellar evolution code was originally developed by Pierre Morel (1997, A&AS, 124, 597), and more recent developments were presented in Morel & Lebreton (2008, ApSS 208, 316, 61-73). Bernard Pichon then participated in the development of a new version in modern Fortran: CESAM2k (Pichon, SF2A-2010: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Eds: S. Boissier, M. Heydari-Malayeri, R. Samadi and D. Valls-Gabaud, p.271). Angular momentum transport was added by João P. C. Marques (Marques et al., 2013, A&A, 549A, 74M ) in the subsequent version: CESTAM. The next developments, results of significant collaborative efforts are included in this new Cesam2k20 version.

Cesam2k20 log was created by Ambre Réau (instagram).

The banner was designed by Sylvain Cnudde (SIGAL, LESIA).

Important dates

  • Deadline for funding applications: 6 October 2023 (midnight);
  • Registration : from 1 September 2023 to 12 October 2023 (midnight).;
  • Workshop: 7 to 8 December 2023.


This workshop is free, as it is entirely funded by Paris-Observatory, through AIPS (Action Incitative Physique Stellaire) and the Conference Centre Jules Janssen (ex. CIAS)

We can also provide financial assistance to certain participants who make a justified request. This financial support will probably not cover all you costs.


L. Manchon; Y. Lebreton; M. Deal; J. P. C. Marques

Organization commitee

L. Manchon; Y. Lebreton; M. Deal; J. P. C. Marques; L. Petitdemange


CCJJ                         obspm

 and AIPS (Action Incitative en Physique Stellaire)



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